Uses of Gypsum Concrete in Commercial Projects

Gypsum is heated in manufacturing to remove water and create a calcium sulfate plaster. Mixing the powdered material with water forms a flowable slurry that can dry and harden into concrete. Gypsum concrete offers fire resistance, sound control, and thermal properties for buildings. Here are some uses of gypsum concrete in commercial projects:

Floor Underlayment

Gypsum concrete underlayment provides a smooth base for finished flooring materials such as carpet, hardwood, or laminate. Concrete formulations include standard, high-strength, and fast-setting to meet project needs. Specialized tools are used to pump the liquid mixture onto the subfloor. The concrete’s self-leveling properties enable it to spread evenly over the desired space. Usually, the material cures within a few hours of installation and can accommodate light foot traffic. 

Fire Protection

Water is released from gypsum at extreme temperatures, making gypsum-based concrete naturally fire-resistant. As the water evaporates, it cools the surrounding air, slowing the spread of flames. Gypsum cement can be applied over wood, steel, or concrete substrates to form a barrier that reduces heat transfer to the structural components below. Certified labs test concrete to meet required safety standards, and high-quality cement may have a one- to four-hour fire rating. 

Radiant Heating Systems

Gypsum cement is also an effective thermal barrier, helping to retain heat within a building. Radiant heating systems can be installed underneath concrete underlayments without damaging the pipework. The material flows evenly across the subfloor, surrounding the pipes completely without leaving cold spots. 

Unlike traditional concrete, gypsum cement does not pull away from the heating tubes. This may minimize the frequency of the system’s active heat cycles. The cement’s thermal mass stores and distributes heat from the radiant system across the floor’s surface. Properly designed buildings can use gypsum as a passive temperature regulation system. 

Sound Attenuation

Gypsum-based concrete helps reduce impact noise by deadening vibrations between building floor assemblies. The concrete’s density naturally absorbs sound energy that would otherwise travel between floors. The material works well in hospitals, hotels, and offices where noise control is necessary. 

Building codes usually require a minimum for sound transmission class (STC) to promote privacy between units in shared office spaces. Gypsum-based concrete can often meet code requirements while maintaining a low profile, helping to maximize interior space. Acoustic mats may be used below the gypsum pour in the installation process to improve performance.

Topping for Corrugated Steel Decking

A smooth, level surface of gypsum-based concrete can fill the flutes of steel decking to create a level plane for further construction. Some formulations are designed to bond directly to properly prepared steel substrates and prevent cracking during curing. The concrete is lightweight, reducing the dead load compared to traditional concrete, which helps maintain structural integrity. The finished surface is uniform and suitable for various flooring coverings or treatments.

Lightweight Structural Enhancement

Installation crews may apply gypsum-based concrete in existing buildings without adding significant structural reinforcement. This simplifies logistics in high-rise retrofit projects since the material can be pumped vertically through many stories. The concrete cures quickly, allowing construction schedules to be completed more quickly than when traditional concrete is used. It also offers a dimensionally stable platform that will not shrink or curl. The concrete’s high compressive strength makes it an adequate material for resurfacing and repair projects where structural enhancement is needed. 

Start Using Gypsum Concrete

Gypsum concrete can enhance building performance by improving thermal mass, sound attenuation, and fire protection. These characteristics, as well as its self-leveling and quick-drying properties, make it a preferred choice for new commercial buildings. Contact a gypsum cement supplier today to learn which mix is right for your project.

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